Kirsch Messtechnik
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Produkte - Temperatur
Rauchgasmessgeräte Temperatur Infrarot-Temperatur Relative Feuchte Klimamessung Drehzahlmessung Stationäre Messtechnik Temperaturfühler Messdatenerfassung Lichtmessung
Handgeräte Fühler Erfassung / Logger
Escort iMini MX-ST-S-8-L
The iMini Temperature Data Logger is a multi-use data logger used to accurately monitor temperatures for temperature sensitive shipments at a low cost. Recently the iMini underwent an update of it’s software and hardware making it even easier to monitor temperature sensitive products.

iMini Temperature Monitors are used to measure a temperature range between -40ºC to +80ºC (-40ºF to 176ºF), has multiple alarm thresholds, and remote data access for added piece of mind. Temperature monitors such as this one are used for ensuring the integrity of temperature sensitive shipments throughout distribution.

Industries that often require temperature monitoring of products include pharmaceutical manufacturers, pharmacies, biotech products, tissue labs, blood centers, food distributors and electronics manufacturers. These data loggers are ideally suited for all of these various industry applications.